Lynwood Unified Reaffirms Commitment to Remain a Safe Haven District

The Lynwood Unified School District Board of Education on January 9 passed a resolution recognizing the District as a Safe Haven, designating all Lynwood facilities as safe spaces for students, families and staff. This declaration is especially significant in light of recent federal actions allowing authorities to target traditionally protected spaces like schools and churches. 

Under the resolution – and in alignment with Board Policy on immigration enforcement and updated state guidance on protecting students and families – Lynwood Unified will not permit Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to enter school grounds without a lawfully executed court order. The District will also not collect or share information about the immigration status of students or their families. Instead, the District will continue to honor the diverse people who built the United States of America and uphold every student’s right to a free and just education.

“We recognize the concerns and fears that many of our families may feel, but we want them to know that while these times are challenging, our District’s commitment to inclusion, equity and justice remains unwavering,” Superintendent Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, Ph.D., said. “We are here to support, serve and protect our students, families and staff, and are united in our mission to ensure safe spaces for all.”

All Lynwood Unified schools are hosting immigration information sessions for families, with several planned across campuses through March. The District has also launched an immigration resources webpage offering guidance on proactive steps families can take, what to do if a family member is detained, student support materials and state flyers on immigration and educational rights.

The City of Lynwood and Lynwood Unified are part of one of California’s most ethnically diverse counties. The majority of students in the District are Latino/a or are students of color, with nearly all qualifying for free and reduced-price meals. The District will continue to work closely with the city, county and other state and local organizations to ensure students are offered a protected space. 
